5 Things You Should Never Leave in a Hot Car

5 Things You Should Never Leave in a Hot Car

In summer, a vehicle's interior gets considerably hotter than the outside temperature. Certain things can be at risk of harm or damage if you leave them inside a parked car for prolonged periods. Here are some items to never leave inside a hot Volkswagen car.

Young Children

Even if just for a few minutes, never leave young children by themselves inside a hot vehicle. The heat buildup inside a small space can lead to heatstroke. Under Utah law, leaving a child unattended inside a car is a Class C misdemeanor.


Like children, pets like dogs and cats are also susceptible to heatstroke. If your pet must stay in the car, ensure it’s on, the A/C is running, and there’s someone with them to keep them out of trouble.


Heat promotes bacterial growth and can also change the molecular structure of certain drinks. Beverages containing fruit, such as juice, can go rancid, making them unsafe to drink. Water bottles can also act like magnifying glasses, concentrating the sun’s rays and setting your car on fire.

Perishable Foods

As a general rule, perishable foods like meat, fruits, and vegetables should not be inside a car for more than two hours. This applies whether they’re inside the cabin or trunk. Consider storing groceries in an insulated food bag.


Heat can cause chemicals inside a lighter’s plastic container to expand. Lighters can ignite or potentially explode if hot enough, causing the cabin to erupt in flames.

Visit Strong Volkswagen this Summer

The summer heatwave can be hazardous to items and living things in a hot vehicle. Likewise, the heat can also be taxing on internal car components. This makes VW servicing integral during this time of year. Schedule maintenance at Strong Volkswagen in Salt Lake City, UT, today.